Friday, 6 December 2019


Add image 11 more photos. Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. As a live act, this Romanian five-piece outfit has a style that combines modern heavy metal with alternative rock. Monday 24 June Sunday 2 June luna amara intunecare

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Tocmai de aceea este foarte ciudata decizia celor din trupa de a schimba, ulterior, varianta cantata live.

Saturday 21 September Years Active — present 20 years. Monday 24 June Feedback fb tw gp vk. Wednesday 26 June Singura solutie este una extrema: The All-American Rejects on playing by their own rules and breaking the 'anti-aesthetic' aesthetic spotlight By okspud1 12 Aug 3: Sunday 11 August Thursday 19 Smara Friday 23 August Tuesday 21 May Saturday 10 August Connect to Spotify Dismiss.

Wednesday 22 May Connect your Spotify account to your Last.

Piesa este usor resemnata, incercand totusi sa combata pumnul si bata cu ratiunea. Thursday 18 April Thursday 27 June O compozitie fragmentata, cu un solo de trompeta completat excelent de unul de chitara.

luna amara intunecare

Este un album direct, intr-un spirit grunge, care nu de putine ori deriva in metal. Sunday 7 April Thursday 16 May Wednesday 14 August Sunday 8 September Bridge-ul-solo chitara-trompeta de dupa al doilea refren transmite mai multe fara a fi dublat de niste versuri facute, parca, in graba, de Ombladon.

Sunday 1 September Wednesday 17 July Friday 17 May All the artists in the band want to dedicate their lives to promote and support a modern European society in Romania.

Albumul a fost lansat la casa de discuri Roton, si asta s-a vazut, Luna Amara lasand putin de la ei: Friday 16 August Please like our facebook page! Tuesday 25 June Fanii vor ramane, de altfel, intotdeauna in minte cu varianta live a acestei piese:

luna amara intunecare

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