Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Maybe she has moral or religous problem with it. SongMeanings is a place for discussion and discovery. Her mother said that she couldn't love The physical way a woman should Then where else could she go? Desktop Google Chrome Windows 8. Borrar playlist Cancelar Guardar. Both of interpretations are very good, I think, and probably better than mine.

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So maybe that provides a little more insight. The hourglass sees what shelf life does She asked, exactly if me "what is love but grieving life alone? Why use the word, when the word means the belief? General Comment I think it's about being suppressed by religion. We do not have any tags for Song Of Imaginary Beings lyrics.

Maybe she has moral or religous problem with it.

Song of Imaginary Beings

Mi perfil Enviar letra Mensajes Editar Salir. I kinda think this is a stretch but I REALLY like it I particularly like the interpretations of the ijaginary Maybe I'm not enough of a fan to know how deep Chris Corner truly is, but I almost feel like a lot of the interpretations on this beiings for his songs are more profound than he originally intended Flag Mofokuku on March 17, Fantasies that sort of fulfill what the woman longs for to some extent.

Where the sisters and the fathers can't save her soul Send them in, see them on She can't find a lover, she'll fashion one Imaginary men Like the burned out poets in the hinterland The phoenix says, The devil says, The serpent says, The siren says, Why use the word, when the word means the belief? Why not add your own?

The character iamxx sexually retarded, twisted almost angelic one. That's an insight into my experience with relationships.

Song of imaginary beings

Song Of Imaginary Beings song meanings. User does not exist.

Log in now to tell us what you think this song means. Add your thoughts 21 Comments. No Replies Log in to reply. Quiero recibir notificaciones de artistas destacados y noticias.

And later, she's too emotionally involved in this, she cannot come back, so she ov. Where the sisters and the fathers can't save her soul. The phoenix represents rebirth, renewal I know, my whole interpretation is too complicated, and that probably wasn't that what chris corner meant, but that's just what this song means to me. The phoenix says, The devil says, The serpent says, The siren says, Why use the word, when the word means belief? Why all the mythological figures? Why use the word, when the word imabinary the beast?

I'm sorry if my english is wrong.

IAMX - Song Of Imaginary Beings Lyrics | SongMeanings

She has failed to find a lover who would accept her as she is. The phoenix says, The devil says, The serpent says, The siren says, Why use the word, when the word means the belief? Both of interpretations are very good, I think, and probably better than mine. She has to face the fact that love continues to elude her and may have to spend the rest of her life alone, "in grief" of love that was never found as neings to a loss.

Besides, she isn't getting any younger see references to 'hourglass' and 'shelf life' and any ixmx of conceiving children if she had any potential at all is fading fast. I don't use that language usually in my country. The girl sees that she have different sexual needs than others and she cannot deal with it, because people around her don't accept it. General Comment By the way, the lyrics are off, it's Why use the word, when the word means the belief?

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